UK Court: Craig Wright, Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator, 'Serially Dishonest'

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff20 May, 2024


UK Court: Craig Wright, Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator, 'Serially Dishonest'

In a UK court ruling, Craig Wright, the individual who claims to be the creator of Bitcoin, has been found to have "dishonestly created false documents" in an attempt to prove his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of the cryptocurrency. High Court judge James Mellor delivered a scathing judgment, stating that Wright had "lied on multiple occasions" and provided evidence "riddled with inconsistencies and untruths." "I find that he has been dishonest throughout," the judge declared. "He has been dishonest in his dealings with COPA [Crypto Open Patent Alliance] and in the evidence he has presented in these proceedings. The inescapable conclusion is that Dr. Wright is not the creator of the Bitcoin white paper." The court did not impose any orders against Wright regarding the forgery or dishonesty, and remedies sought by COPA, such as an injunction, will be considered at a later hearing. ```