BIOPASS, Highpoint Healthcare-Hyundai Motor Smart Medical Device Project Participation

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff30 May, 2024


BIOPASS, Highpoint Healthcare-Hyundai Motor Smart Medical Device Project Participation

BIOPASS (BIOT) announced through its official blog that it will participate in a smart medical device project conducted by Highpoint Healthcare and Hyundai Motor. BIOPASS explained, “We signed a service contract for building a non-face-to-face medical service and prescription delivery system this month, and we plan to develop the project's non-face-to-face services based on BIOPASS' non-face-to-face solutions.” With the advancement of technology, the demand for non-face-to-face medical services is increasing rapidly. The BIOPASS project aims to develop a smart medical device that will enable patients to receive medical services and prescriptions without having to visit a hospital or clinic. The device will be equipped with various sensors that will collect data on the patient's health status. This data will be sent to a cloud-based platform, where it will be analyzed by a team of medical professionals. The medical professionals will then provide the patient with personalized treatment recommendations. The BIOPASS project is expected to improve access to healthcare services for patients who live in remote areas or who have difficulty traveling to a hospital or clinic. It is also expected to reduce the cost of healthcare services by eliminating the need for patients to make multiple doctor's visits.