Bitcoin Core Developers Increase Transparency with Bug Disclosure Plan

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff03 Jul, 2024


Bitcoin Core Developers Increase Transparency with Bug Disclosure Plan

Bitcoin Core, the software used by Bitcoin node operators, is set to become more transparent in its handling of security vulnerabilities. The Bitcoin Core developer group has agreed to actively disclose security vulnerabilities, moving away from a previous stance of being reserved in making such disclosures. This change in approach stems from the concern that downplaying the existence of bugs in Bitcoin Core could have detrimental effects on the security of the Bitcoin network. The developers believe that by being more transparent about vulnerabilities, they can help to strengthen the network and make it more resilient to attacks. As part of this new approach, the Bitcoin Core developers have proposed a four-tier classification system for vulnerabilities based on their severity. This system will help to ensure that the most critical vulnerabilities are addressed promptly. The developers will also be working to improve communication around the risks of running older versions of Bitcoin Core and to provide incentives for researchers to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities. These changes are a positive step towards making Bitcoin Core more secure and transparent. By being more open about vulnerabilities, the developers can help to build a stronger and more resilient Bitcoin network.