FBI Confirms Satoshi Nakamoto's Identity as 'One or More Third-Party Individuals'

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff13 Aug, 2024


FBI Confirms Satoshi Nakamoto's Identity as 'One or More Third-Party Individuals'

Dave Troy, a self-described "investigative journalist," recently received a response from the FBI regarding his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request about the identity of Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. According to Troy, the FBI stated that "one or more third-party individuals" had responded to the request. This language is commonly used in FOIA responses related to non-US persons. The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has never been revealed, leading to speculation that it could be a pseudonym, a single individual, or a group of individuals or government agencies. "While I intend to file an appeal of this response, it is still an interesting data point," Troy said. "Since my FOIA request took the 'all other' topic route, rather than the 'deceased person' one, it is the feds - not me - asserting that this is an individual or individuals. This FOIA request was never about unmasking Satoshi but rather to simply find out what, if anything, the FBI had on the topic." The FBI's response suggests that the agency may have some information about Satoshi Nakamoto's identity, but it is not willing to disclose it at this time. It is possible that the FBI is still investigating the matter or that it has classified the information as sensitive.