Voice Phishing and Cryptocurrency Money Laundering: 8 Suspects Arrested

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff08 Sep, 2024


Voice Phishing and Cryptocurrency Money Laundering: 8 Suspects Arrested

Police in South Korea have arrested eight suspects involved in a sophisticated voice phishing and cryptocurrency money laundering operation. According to the Gyeonggi Yangju Police Station, the group laundered around 280 million won (approximately $240,000) stolen from victims through a Chinese voice phishing organization. The suspects converted the stolen funds into cryptocurrency and then transferred them to the Chinese organization. The authorities believe the group was responsible for laundering proceeds from at least six separate voice phishing scams. Voice phishing is a type of telephone financial fraud where criminals use social engineering tactics to trick victims into revealing sensitive information, such as their credit card numbers or banking passwords. The stolen information is then used to make unauthorized transactions or withdraw funds from victims' accounts. Cryptocurrency money laundering is a growing problem, as criminals exploit the anonymity and decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies to hide their illicit activities. By converting stolen funds into cryptocurrency, criminals can make it more difficult for law enforcement agencies to track and recover the stolen assets. The arrests in South Korea are a reminder of the importance of staying vigilant against financial scams. Never share sensitive information with unsolicited callers, and be wary of any requests to send money or invest in unfamiliar opportunities.