Why Web3 Marketing Needs to Think More Like Apple: Focus on Use Cases, Not Tech

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff20 May, 2024


Why Web3 Marketing Needs to Think More Like Apple: Focus on Use Cases, Not Tech

According to Coindesk, a leading cryptocurrency news outlet, "Web3 marketing requires an Apple-like approach." What does this mean? Let's break it down. Apple's Vision Pro, a new headset device, supports augmented reality, extended reality, and mixed reality. But you won't find any of those terms in Apple's product description. Instead, Apple focuses on explaining how you can use the Vision Pro to enjoy immersive entertainment experiences or capture precious moments in 3D photos. Similarly, Web3 is an umbrella term that encompasses blockchain, digital assets (cryptocurrencies), and decentralized finance (DeFi). But these technical terms are often meaningless to the general public. That's why Web3 marketing needs to take a simpler approach, just like Apple. Here are a few tips for Web3 marketers: Use simplified messaging. Avoid jargon and technical terms that your audience won't understand. Focus on benefits. Explain how Web3 can benefit your audience's lives. Tell stories. Use storytelling to make your message more engaging and memorable. Use analogies. Compare Web3 to something your audience is already familiar with. By following these tips, Web3 marketers can make their messaging more effective and reach a wider audience. ```