BlockTower Capital Suffers Cyberattack, Funds Lost

IconCNT15 May, 2024


BlockTower Capital Suffers Cyberattack, Funds Lost

**BlockTower Capital Hacked** BlockTower Capital, a prominent crypto investment firm, has fallen victim to a cyberattack that resulted in the loss of an unspecified amount of funds. This news comes from sources close to the matter, as reported by Bloomberg. The firm has enlisted the aid of blockchain forensic specialists to track down the perpetrators responsible for the hack. According to the report, BlockTower Capital manages approximately $1.7 billion in assets. Details surrounding the incident remain limited at this time, as authorities continue their investigation. BlockTower Capital has yet to release an official statement regarding the matter. However, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing cybersecurity threats faced by the cryptocurrency industry. Investors are urged to remain vigilant and employ robust security measures to protect their digital assets.