Fetch.ai's AgentVerse v0.24 Update Enhances Cloud Platform and AI Capabilities

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff02 Aug, 2024


Fetch.ai's AgentVerse v0.24 Update Enhances Cloud Platform and AI Capabilities

Fetch.ai (FET) has released v0.24 of its cloud platform, AgentVerse, introducing significant improvements to enhance user experience and AI capabilities. The latest update focuses on streamlining agent registration by enabling instant registration, reducing the time required for agents to join the network. It also introduces message reliability enhancements, ensuring consistent and reliable communication between agents. Additionally, AgentVerse v0.24 includes UI enhancements and bug fixes, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. The update also brings improvements to Delta V, the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) framework, and the AI Engine, providing developers with enhanced tools for building and deploying AI applications. This update further strengthens AgentVerse as a comprehensive platform for developing and running AI-powered applications and services, enabling users to harness the power of Fetch.ai's decentralized network and AI capabilities.