Millions of Dollars in Crypto Forgotten on Bridge Contracts by Top Accounts

IconCrypto News Terminal23 Apr, 2024


Millions of Dollars in Crypto Forgotten on Bridge Contracts by Top Accounts

ARKM (ARKM) has reported that millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency have been transferred to bridge contracts and forgotten by dozens of accounts, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Coinbase, and DeFi whales. These funds have been sitting dormant on the bridges for extended periods, with some accounts neglecting them for over two years. Bofur Capital, a notable DeFi whale, is one such account that has left a significant amount of cryptocurrency on a bridge. In their case, $1.8 million has been sitting in the Arbitrum bridge for two years and three months. These forgotten funds highlight the importance of proper cryptocurrency management and the need for users to be vigilant in tracking their assets, particularly when using bridge contracts. Bridge contracts facilitate the transfer of cryptocurrencies between different blockchains, but if users fail to complete the transfer process, their funds can become stranded. ARKM's report serves as a reminder to crypto enthusiasts to regularly review their transactions and ensure that their funds are adequately managed. By addressing this issue, users can prevent the loss of valuable crypto assets and maintain control over their financial holdings.