Franklin Templeton Enables P2P Transfer of FOBXX Tokens

IconCrypto News Terminal25 Apr, 2024


Franklin Templeton Enables P2P Transfer of FOBXX Tokens

Franklin Templeton, a renowned investment firm, has recently announced its support for peer-to-peer (P2P) transmission of its Franklin Mutual Fund (FOBXX) tokens, known as BENJI. This move will allow users to seamlessly transfer FOBXX tokens between themselves through platform X. It will enhance the convenience of investing in and trading mutual funds by facilitating easy and secure token transfers. This development signifies Franklin Templeton's commitment to innovation and its aim to make mutual fund investing more accessible and efficient. The P2P transmission of FOBXX tokens enables real-time transfers between users, eliminating the need for intermediaries or custodians. This streamlines the process, reduces transaction costs, and provides greater control for investors. Previously on 25 April 2024, Franklin Templeton announced its support for P2P transmission of FOBXX tokens via platform X, enabling users to seamlessly transfer tokens between each other, making it easier to invest in and trade mutual funds.