The Best Ways to Get Your Child Ready for School

IconCrypto News Terminal24 Apr, 2024


The Best Ways to Get Your Child Ready for School

School readiness is important for a child's success. There are many things you can do to help your child get ready for school, including: * **Talk to your child about school.** Tell them what to expect and answer their questions. * **Help your child learn basic skills.** This includes things like counting, recognizing letters, and following directions. * **Encourage your child to play.** Play helps children develop social and emotional skills, as well as physical skills. * **Read to your child.** Reading helps children develop language and literacy skills. * **Set limits and routines.** Help your child learn to follow rules and routines, which will be important for success in school. **Previously on 24 April 2024, "Five Tips for Helping Your Child Succeed in School".**