Matter Labs Withdraws ZK Trademark Applications Amid Criticism

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff03 Jun, 2024


Matter Labs Withdraws ZK Trademark Applications Amid Criticism

Matter Labs Withdraws ZK Trademark Applications Matter Labs, the developer behind the popular Ethereum scaling solution zkSync, has announced that it will be withdrawing its trademark applications for the term "ZK" in nine countries. This move comes after significant criticism from the blockchain community, which accused Matter Labs of attempting to monopolize key terminology in the zero-knowledge proof (ZK) space. Background of the Dispute Last month, Matter Labs filed trademark applications for "ZK" in several jurisdictions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. This sparked controversy within the industry, with many expressing concerns that Matter Labs was trying to claim exclusive ownership over a term that is widely used in the ZK field. Polyhedra, a blockchain company that uses "ZK" as its ticker symbol, was particularly vocal in its opposition to Matter Labs' trademark applications. Polyhedra argued that the trademark would prevent other entities from using the term "ZK" in their products or services, stifling innovation and competition. Matter Labs' Explanation In a blog post announcing the withdrawal of its trademark applications, Matter Labs explained that its initial intentions were purely defensive. The company stated that it had filed the trademarks to prevent others from using the term "ZK" in a way that could mislead consumers or damage the reputation of zkSync. However, Matter Labs acknowledged that its actions had been misinterpreted by the community. The company realized that the concept of trademark protection does not translate well across different jurisdictions, and that its actions were seen as an attempt to monopolize a public good. Withdrawal of Applications In light of the criticism it received, Matter Labs decided to withdraw its trademark applications. The company emphasized that it is committed to fostering a collaborative and open ecosystem in the ZK space. Impact on the Industry The withdrawal of Matter Labs' trademark applications is a significant development in the ZK industry. It sends a message that companies cannot claim exclusive ownership over common terminology in the field. This will help to ensure that the ZK ecosystem remains open and accessible to all participants.