People's Power Moves to Abolish Financial Investment Tax, Promote Public Understanding

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff31 May, 2024


People's Power Moves to Abolish Financial Investment Tax, Promote Public Understanding

The People's Power has unveiled its party's statement for the 22nd National Assembly, which includes the abolition of financial investment income tax as its top priority. According to SBS, the "531 Bill for Public Understanding" also aims to improve public understanding of the party's policies and connect with the electorate. The party believes that these measures will promote economic growth and create a fairer society. The People's Power's focus on abolishing the financial investment income tax aligns with its broader commitment to reducing taxes and stimulating economic activity. By removing this tax, the party hopes to encourage investment and job creation. The party's decision to make the "531 Bill for Public Understanding" its top priority reflects its recognition of the importance of connecting with the public. The party believes that its policies will resonate with voters and lead to electoral success in the next National Assembly elections.