Polymarket and Perplexity Team Up to Merge Prediction Markets and AI Search

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff12 Aug, 2024


Polymarket and Perplexity Team Up to Merge Prediction Markets and AI Search

Polymarket, a decentralized prediction market platform, has partnered with Perplexity, an AI search engine founded by former OpenAI engineers, to share data. This partnership will surface Polymarket results within Perplexity's search results, allowing users to ask follow-up questions and gain insights from the collective wisdom of the prediction market community. This integration brings together the power of prediction markets and the convenience of AI search, creating a novel and valuable tool for decision-making and information gathering. Polymarket's data on market outcomes and trends will enhance Perplexity's search results, providing users with a more comprehensive understanding of current events and future possibilities. The partnership highlights the growing importance of prediction markets in the media ecosystem. As Perplexity co-founder and former OpenAI research scientist Alec Radford explains, "Prediction markets are a unique source of data that can help us understand how people think about the future." By integrating Polymarket's data, Perplexity aims to provide users with a more robust and nuanced understanding of the world around them. This collaboration between Polymarket and Perplexity marks a significant step forward in the convergence of AI and decentralized technologies. It demonstrates the potential of these technologies to work together to create innovative solutions that empower individuals and enhance our understanding of the world.