Prosecutors Confirm More Virtual Assets Tied to Alleged Price Manipulator John Kim (Park)

IconCrypto News Terminal25 Apr, 2024


Prosecutors Confirm More Virtual Assets Tied to Alleged Price Manipulator John Kim (Park)

**Prosecutors Confirm More Virtual Assets Linked to John Kim (Park)** According to Digital Asset, prosecutors have confirmed the existence of additional virtual assets connected to John Kim (Park), the alleged virtual asset price manipulator, beyond the already known POD (grapecoin). At the initial public hearing of the "POD Fraud Case" held on April 25 at the Seoul Southern District Court, the prosecution stated, "Park has extensive dealings in virtual assets. The investigation into his virtual asset activities is ongoing. Due to the multitude of related virtual assets, even if he is indicted in the POD case, separate virtual asset cases unrelated to the co-offender Mr. Han can be combined during the trial." **Investigation into Park's Virtual Asset Activities Ongoing** Park's investigation regarding his virtual asset dealings is ongoing, and the prosecution indicated that more virtual assets are being examined. If sufficient evidence is gathered, additional charges may be brought against Park. Previously on April 25, 2024, it was reported that Digital Asset had confirmed the presence of additional virtual assets associated with the illegal activities of John Kim (Park), the accused virtual asset price manipulator.