Pyth Network brings MEW/USD price feed to over 55 blockchains

IconCrypto News Terminal23 Apr, 2024


Pyth Network brings MEW/USD price feed to over 55 blockchains

Pyth Network, a leading provider of oracle solutions, has announced the deployment of a MEW/USD price feed, making it available to over 55 blockchains. This integration will provide developers with access to reliable and up-to-date MEW/USD pricing data, facilitating the creation of sophisticated financial applications and services. Pyth Network's MEW/USD price feed is generated using a decentralized network of data providers, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data. The feed is constantly updated, providing real-time insights into the MEW/USD market. This deployment is a significant step forward for Pyth Network and the broader DeFi ecosystem. By providing access to high-quality price data, Pyth Network empowers developers to build more robust and innovative financial applications. Previously on April 23, 2024, Oracle solution Pyth Network announced via X that it "has deployed a MEW/USD price feed, making it available to 55+ blockchains."