Sei V2 to Roll Out in Three Phases - Here's What to Expect

IconCNT15 May, 2024


Sei V2 to Roll Out in Three Phases - Here's What to Expect

**Sei Network's V2 Rollout Plan** Sei Network (SEI) has unveiled its three-phase plan for the highly anticipated Sei v2 release. The project, previously scheduled for Q1 release, will now follow a more comprehensive rollout. **Phase 1: Governance Approval** The first phase, Governance, involves the governance approval process. The Sei community will vote on the proposal and determine the next steps. This phase ensures community involvement and consensus before the technical implementation. **Phase 2: Alpha Release and Software Upgrades** Phase 2, Alpha Release, focuses on stability testing and infrastructure deployment. Validators will begin software upgrades, and the existing Sei Pacific-1 mainnet will transition to v2. Third-party infrastructure will also be deployed to ensure a seamless user experience. **Phase 3: General Announcement and Rollout** The final phase, General Announcement, marks the official launch of Sei v2. The network will be declared ready for use, and users can start interacting with the updated platform. Previously on May 15, 2024, Sei Network announced its plans to launch Sei v2 in the first half of the year. This three-phase rollout provides a detailed roadmap and ensures a smooth transition to the next generation of Sei.