Starknet EVM to Launch on Mainnet in Q4

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff26 Jul, 2024


Starknet EVM to Launch on Mainnet in Q4

Starknet, an Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution, has officially announced that its zkEVM network, Kakarot, will be launched on the Starknet mainnet in Q4 of this year. The zkEVM (zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine that allows developers to run unmodified Ethereum smart contracts on Starknet without sacrificing security or decentralization. Starknet's EVM implementation has already been undergoing extensive testing on its testnet, and the launch on mainnet will mark a significant milestone in the project's development. By bringing EVM compatibility to Starknet, developers will be able to easily port their existing Ethereum applications and smart contracts to Starknet, taking advantage of its high scalability and low transaction fees without having to make any significant changes to their code.