TON Active Addresses Reach Record High, Signaling Network Growth

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff20 Aug, 2024


TON Active Addresses Reach Record High, Signaling Network Growth

CryptoQuant contributor and cryptocurrency market analyst Maartun has reported that the number of active addresses on the master chain of Telegram Open Network (TON) has reached a record high of 946. This represents an over seven-fold increase since July 2021. Maartun explains that "the master chain is responsible for coordinating message routing and transaction execution, making the number of active master chain addresses is one of the key metrics to gauge the growth of the network." While 947 active addresses may seem like a small number, it is a substantial amount when considering the context of master chain active addresses. This surge in active addresses suggests that TON is gaining traction and its network is expanding. As the number of users and transactions on the network grows, so too will the value of the TON token.