Trump Bets on America as Crypto Capital

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff27 Jul, 2024


Trump Bets on America as Crypto Capital

In a keynote address that rocked the Bitcoin 2024 conference, former US President Donald Trump predicted that "the United States will become the capital of Bitcoin, crypto." Trump emphasized America's leadership role in the crypto revolution, stating, "If Bitcoin is going to the 'moon,' America will lead the way." He assured Bitcoiners of his support, saying, "Bitcoiners are going to be happy." Trump criticized Democrats for their perceived resistance to crypto, calling them "stuck in the old ways." He also took aim at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), accusing it of abusing Bitcoiners. "We will get rid of the people who are standing in the way of BTC," Trump declared. Trump's pro-crypto stance has been welcomed by many in the industry, who see it as a sign of growing mainstream acceptance of digital assets.