Trump's Aide: 'Trump Has Been Interested in Cryptocurrency for 2 Years'

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff29 Jul, 2024


Trump's Aide: 'Trump Has Been Interested in Cryptocurrency for 2 Years'

In an interview with Bloomberg, Bill Zanker, founder of EveryAnythingAnnex, a longtime acquaintance of former US President Donald Trump, revealed behind-the-scenes stories about Trump's relationship with cryptocurrency. Zanker, who has known Trump for over 20 years, said that he had suggested Trump issue NFTs about two years ago, but Trump was initially reluctant. In December 2022, Zanker again suggested Trump issue NFTs, and this time, Trump gave him a positive response. Trump has since taken this opportunity to learn more about cryptocurrency, asking Zanker how Ethereum works, among other questions. Last year, when asked by a citizen about his opinion on cryptocurrency, Trump replied, "I think it's good. I don't want cryptocurrency to flow overseas." He also came up with the idea of accepting donations in cryptocurrency. Trump is currently preparing his fourth NFT collection, which is scheduled to be released in August. Zanker said, "It will be the largest Trump NFT collection to date."