Web3 Venture Investment Dips But Rebounds in Q2

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff25 Jul, 2024


Web3 Venture Investment Dips But Rebounds in Q2

Web3 venture investment saw a modest increase in Q2 2023, according to a report by Crunchbase. The report found that $2 billion was invested in Web3 startups during the quarter, up $200 million from Q1. However, this is still significantly less than the $4 billion invested in Q2 2022. Despite the overall decline in investment, there are some positive signs. The number of investments in Web3 startups has stabilized this year, and the average investment size has increased slightly. Additionally, there are a number of large-scale investment rounds happening in the space, including a $100 million investment in the blockchain infrastructure company Polygon. Overall, the Web3 venture investment landscape is still evolving. It is clear that there is a lot of interest in the space, but it is still too early to say whether Web3 will be a major investment theme in the long term.