Willy Woo: To Avoid Financial Erosion, Investors Need a 10% Yield

IconCNT15 May, 2024


Willy Woo: To Avoid Financial Erosion, Investors Need a 10% Yield

Crypto on-chain analyst Willy Woo recently emphasized the significance of achieving a 10% annual yield in the face of inflation and currency expansion. According to Woo, "If you don't get a 10% annual yield, you will continue to get poorer." He highlights that various asset classes offer varying expected returns, with Bitcoin leading at 25-80%, followed by venture capital (20-30%), the S&P 500 index (11%), gold (8%), and bonds (5%). Previously on May 15, 2024, Willy Woo had emphasized the need for investors to seek higher returns to combat inflation.