90% of Koreans with World ID Support Proof of Humanness: Worldcoin Survey

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff22 Aug, 2024


90% of Koreans with World ID Support Proof of Humanness: Worldcoin Survey

In a recent survey conducted by Worldcoin (WLD) among 1,100 South Korean World ID holders, an overwhelming 90% expressed support for proof of humanness. This indicates a strong belief in the necessity of technologies like World ID to distinguish between humans and bots online. Furthermore, 85% of respondents believe that Worldcoin can contribute to building a more secure internet. This aligns with Worldcoin's mission to distribute digital identity as a public good, empowering individuals with control over their online presence and fostering a more inclusive and trustworthy digital environment. The survey highlights the growing recognition of the significance of digital identity verification in a world where online interactions are increasingly prevalent. World ID's unique approach, which leverages Proof-of-Personhood technology, provides a secure and scalable solution for establishing human identity online.