ZenGo Announces Decentralized Crypto Custody Solution

IconCryptoNewsTerminal Staff21 Aug, 2024


ZenGo Announces Decentralized Crypto Custody Solution

ZenGo, formerly known as Curv, has announced the upcoming launch of a decentralized cryptocurrency custody solution. This solution utilizes multi-party computation (MPC) wallet technology to eliminate single points of failure by distributing private keys across multiple parties. According to ZenGo President Dan Tapiero, this decentralized approach "mitigates the risks associated with centralized custody and provides users with greater control over their digital assets." The custody solution is designed to be non-custodial, meaning users retain complete ownership of their private keys and assets, while ZenGo's MPC technology ensures the security and integrity of their funds. ZenGo's decentralized custody solution is expected to be a significant addition to the crypto custody landscape, providing users with a secure and convenient way to store and manage their digital assets.